Time to help

Over the past couple of years as we worked on our business, we often discussed why we are doing what we do. Its become really important for us to develop a long term vision that truly motivated us.
Yes, we want this business to provide us with a great life but that's not enough. A business outcome that only benefited us would not motivate us to do our best or bring a sense of worth and satisfaction to our lives.
Apart from being driven to continually provide you with quality natural products, we also felt a responsibility to make a wider impact on the world.
Between COVID, bushfires, BLM and just the everyday challenges of life, many people of Australia have been copping it more than usual.
According to statistics, 1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental illness in any year. That's 20% of us!
On a more personal note, has been our own experience with the suicide of a family member and the effect this still has on our lives and our family and friends years later. This experience left us feeling useless and battling our own challenging emotions.
But .............. we have now come to the understanding that its never to late to help create a change in the lives of others.
So as a business, we decided to support an organisation doing amazing work in the background, such as important scientific research and creating usable and long lasting programs so people with mental health can get help when and where they need it before a crisis arises.
The Black Dog Institute is the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan and their aim is to create a mentally healthier world for everyone.
We would love for you to visit their website here to check out what amazing work they do and how you can get involved. Did you know that about 5 million Australians will have symptoms of mental illness in any given year? that blew our minds and what is worse is that about 60% of these people wont get help.
Lets change that together!
Now available: an opportunity for you to donate to the Black Dog Institute. Any amount helps and amounts over $2 are tax deductible. We also understand not everyone is in a position to donate so spreading the word and creating awareness also helps.
Also coming soon: a brand new product with a percentage of its price going towards this great cause. Keep a lookout!
If this content has caused you distress and you need instant assistance please contact:
Lifeline on 13 11 14 or
Beyond blue on 1300 22 463